Monday, November 29, 2010

Merry Christmas

A local mother told me this morning that the school her child attends informed parents that they were to keep all mention of Christmas out of the holiday season.  Now, I have never been accused of having a soft approach.  I have the subtlety of a belt sander and the tact of a bulldozer but this annoyed the crap out of me.  This admonishment was to keep the immigrant families from feeling offended.
This offends me.  I'll say it again; this deeply offends me.
Canada; while no longer considered a "christian" country celebrates Christmas.  Whether you do that because of your religious beliefs or because you want to celebrate the spirit of this season it is a western world tradition to celebrate the time of Christmas.  Immigrant families are well aware of the customs and celebrations of Canada before they arrive and the fact that they might be offended by this is good enough reason for them not to have come here in the first place.  I have no racial biases.  I have no racism in me.  I have friends who are black, native, Asian, white and everything in between.  I have friends who's race I don't even know because I don't care because it simply does not matter.  But if someone immigrates to this country they should understand and accept the fact that we celebrate a time of the year called Christmas. 
Christmas was originally a pagan holiday that was hijacked by the christian community to signify the generally accepted time of year that Christ was born.  While I would be surprised if even 40% of the general population would identify Christmas as the celebrate birthday of Jesus Christ, we still, as a country, celebrate Christmas on December 25th.  Got a problem with that?  Well, suck it up my friend because that is what we do.  We also celebrate Victoria Day.  What?  She's not your queen?  You still get a day off for it.  We celebrate Labour day and the August long weekend.  Do you know why?  You might not even care but you still take the day off probably with pay. 
As for me and my house we will say Merry Christmas and if you don't like it then stay HOME!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Although I don't condone the request of the school, I understand it... I understand it because (and quoting you) "Christmas was originally a pagan holiday that was hijacked by the christian community"... the religion started it popularity with hijacking another religion's holiday. Doesn't it sounds right that eventually some other philosophy/religion come around and makes this day about them?

    Really, at the end of the day I am a fan of sharing... and I tend to adopt holiday long enough to celebrate life and share a day with others. I am not a Christian, but I live, love, and respect life as some would say a Christian does. I am ok with sharing life, religion, spirituality and love with whomever is willing to reciprocate.

    Sent with a smile and maybe a hug (dependent on how you feel about me at the

  2. It's not the schools position I was countering. It was the fact that immigrants come here and we have to accomodate them to the point of denying our own customs and traditions to make room for theirs.
    Schools should be ammoral, neither religious nor athiest. They should be institutions of learning. My problem is demanding that I put aside MY traditions so I don't offend someone who's coming to live in MY house. If I came to your house and you insisted that I take my shoes off at the door and don booties, it is my place and my onus to respect your request. It is not my place to insist that booties offend me and you must change the rules of your house.

  3. I feel your point loud and clear...however, even you contradicted yourself. In one sentence you express that schools are institution of learning and should hold religious clout. But then you follow it with how if 'they' come to 'your' county, they should follow or honor your beliefs. Would you expect me to follow your religious practices if I came to your house? Or would you welcome me, for who I am? We seem to be so stuck on confronting things with a sense of defense. Why not try respecting others beliefs while honoring your own... at the same time. We are all birds of a feather you know :)

  4. Read my comment again; I state that schools should be void of religious statements and should teach from a facts and figures point of view, neither supporting nor condemning religion in any form.
    If you come to my house and I chose to say grace before our meal; I would expect you to wait to eat until I was done. If I came to your house I would not expect you to do so.
    My point is that we are so afraid to offend immigrants that we are offensive to ourselves by denying our own beliefs.

  5. I agree, we are on the same page. And all that being said, I have never been in this situation. I have been saying Merry Christmas for as long as I can remember. I can only imagine how I would react if confronted with it.

    Merry Christmas Friend :)
