Monday, October 25, 2010

Often in my travels I come across interesting people. Some of them are memorable because of the way we’ve had to interact with each other and some of them are memorable because either they helped me in some unusual way or I helped them. Yesterday on my way down to Minneapolis I came across someone who will stand out in my memory because clearly she was out of her league just trying to function in an every day world…

This is our conversation:

I pulled into a gas station in Fergus Falls and found that every pump had a plastic bag on it except for the high octane stuff.

Me: I see that you have plastic bags on most of the pumps, are you out of cheaper gas or are they broken?

Her: We put plastic bags on them.

Me: Yes, why?

Her: because there’s plastic bags on them.

Me: I can see that, are you out of gas?

Her: No, but sometimes people borrow our gas can when they run out. It’s $10.

Me: Ok, thank you

Her: your welcome. (she looked quite pleased with herself but perplexed)

I go outside and put in $15 of high octane gas thinking I’ll get more up the road. I go inside to pay.

Me: Pump 2.

Her: that’s $15, did you see the plastic bags on the pumps? They’re broken, don’t use those ones.

Me: Gotcha, thanks. Is there a gas station up the road? I’m heading East.

Her: Are you going to Detroit Lakes? (this is north of our location)

Me: No, I’m heading towards Minneapolis

Her: IS that towards Fargo?

Me: no, it’s the other way

Her: Oh, well if you’re going to Detroit lakes it’s that way…

Me: No, I’m going to Minneapolis

Her: Well is that on the interstate?

Me: Yes, is there a town that I can get gas in within 50 miles?

She pulls out a map and points to Detroit Lakes (remember, we’re in Fergus Falls)

Her: Is that where we are?

Me: No, we’re here in Fergus Falls. Don’t you live here?

Her: I’ve lived here all my life.

Me: Ever been out of town?

Her: I go to Fargo sometimes

Me: Well, if you went the other way, would there be a gas station?

Her: This is a gas station

Me: Oh. Thanks.

I found it really hard not to laugh at this poor girl. I wonder if she ever figured it all out….

Now it’s time to go riding.


  1. wow. that's phenomenal. It's amazing that someone like that could even get a job. Maybe she stumbled into those pumps and broke them...

  2. Great story Gord, hope it was true!

  3. Sadly I didnt need to embelish the story. Isn't talking to Americans fun?
